Daniel Smalley
Late on a stormy night (Friday the 13th it was!) a shrill cry pierced the darkness and Daniel Smalley was born. Young Daniel was a farmhand by day and an intrepid experimenter by night. He once used an old metal bucket, some sand and a computer fan to construct an aluminum furnace for melting pop-cans and old screen doors into machine tool parts. He also built a number of circuits, a methane digester, a wind-powered electrolysis machine, a laser and a number of fine origami creations of various shapes and sizes. He experimented a great deal with holography, and for this reason was led to attend MIT where he earned a B.S., M.Eng, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees while working to create the world's first low-cost holographic video monitor. Now as an associate BYU professor, he is working to make the 3D displays of science fiction a reality using waveguide-based modulators and optical tractor beam technologies.
Selected Publications:
Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Nygaard, E., Squire, K., Van Wagoner, J., Rasmussen, Jens J, Gneiting, S., Qaderi, K., Goodsell, J., Rogers, W., Lindsey, M., Costner, K., Monk, A., Pearson, M., Haymore, B., & Peatross, Justin B. A photophoretic-trap volumetric display. Nature, . 553 , 486 - 490. doi:10.1038/nature25176 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25176#supplementary-information
McLaughlin, Stephen, Gneiting, S. Gneiting, Henrie, Alexander, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2017). Backside emission leaky-mode modulators. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, The Optical Society. 25 (20622-20627)
, Kamran Qaderi, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2017). Paired leaky-mode spatial light modulators with 28° total deflection angle. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Letters.
Qaderi, Kamran, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (5 September 2016). Leaky-mode waveguide modulators with high deflection angle for use in holographic video displays. Journal Article, Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 24 (18) doi:https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.24.020831
Gneitling, Scott, Kimball, Jacob, Henrie, Andrew, McLaughlin, Stephen, DeGraw, Taylor, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. Characterization of Anisotropic Leaky Mode Modulators for Holovideo. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Visualized Experiments, .​
Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (14 February 2015). Light at the end of a tunnel. Magazine Article. The Economist, .
Henrie, Drew, Haymore, Benjamin, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (3 February 2015). Frequency Division Color Characterization Apparatus for Anisotropic Leaky Mode Light Modulators. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Review of Scientific Instruments, AIP.
Smalley, DE, Smithwick, QYJ, Bove, VM, Barabas, J, & Jolly, S. (2013). Anisotropic leaky-mode modulator for holographic video displays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature. 498 (7454) , 313–317.